In few years that my life was very busy and very complicated such as my step dad's death and many things that I was focusing with those situations that I had to deal, but I was thinking of you, deaf people or supporters how much your motivation and your care showed me is very much greatly important! That's why I am finally find time for myself to get in touch with you all! I just want to say thank you for your input and your support while this time when my followers and I took our stand up for our rights in 2006. This day, I don't regret what I did. I was only once did it because my followers and I wanted to see our future deaf kids' happiness where they are supposed to be. Their stresses would be freed. People, I was very much young, only 17, with God’s help who overcame my fears. Finally, I don’t be fear anymore because this day, this lesson of my life had taught me how to overcome the fears. One day, I will tell you a detail of story what WAS really happened in video. Since few years, I have never forgotten what had really happened because this day was very important to remember.
I am sure almost everyone wonders what I am doing now is that I am currently attending at Gallaudet University and I am majored in Physical Education. I will be expecting to graduate with Bachelor of Science degree in fall 2012. I go through this hardship with stresses, final exams, midterm exams, and many things that always add to my stresses but I have managed very well. This is my second year that I attend there. I possible to see your face around Gallaudet and right now, you are probably dumbfounded that I am actually here. This would be pretty funny. Anyways, Gallaudet is very rich experience for me and their deafness cultures are amazing! Gallaudet has taught me to develop my personal growth and gain knowledge of means to my life.
By the way, I would like to hear from you and your words. I will try to be able to answer all questions you are asking. I would try my best to update my blogger because I am a full time student, other thing I have to do, but I would make sure my blogger updates once in a while. Honesty, I am looking forward to hear from you! You are always in my hearts and my spirits in matter of this time my followers and I had to go through these tough times!
Ah, I really can’t believe that believe how quick the times go! Again, I want to say my great THANK YOU! I have Facebook! You are able to find me there. Before you invite me for the friend request, just tell you are found me through in my blogger. See you there! God bless you! Stay warm! Your deaf, strong-willed friend, Victorica!